May 31, 2011

Mobile phone may increase the risk of certain types of brain cancer

Cell Phone Cancer
Using a mobile phone may increase the risk of certain types of brain cancer in humans and consumers should consider ways of reducing their exposure, World Health Organisation WHO.L cancer experts said on Tuesday.

A working group of 31 scientists from 14 countries meeting at the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC.L said a review of all the available scientific evidence suggested cell phone use should be classified as "possibly carcinogenic".

That classification could prompt the United Nations health body to look again at its guidelines on mobile phones, the IARC scientists said, but more research is needed before a more definitive answer on any link can be given.

The WHO had previously said there was no established evidence for a link between cell phone use and cancer. (Reporting by Kate Kelland, editing by Mark Heinrich)

Source : Reuters, May 31, 2011

